Privacy Policy 2018-11-27T17:39:14+00:00

Iconic Ironic Privacy Policy

Iconic Ironic (‘Iconic Ironic’, ‘we’) design, print and sell clothing and other promotional items to the public.
We do what is necessary to protect your privacy. This statement describes how we collect, store and use personal information. In terms of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we use personal information in order to fulfil and despatch ordered items.
Iconic Ironic is run by two people. This small scale means that ‘data processing’ is usually carried out by one person, and data-protection issues are similarly dealt with personally, rather than as a matter of technical or automated processes. We share the role of data protection officer and data controller.
Iconic Ironic promises to respect personal data and to keep it safe. We aim to be clear about when we collect your data and not do anything you wouldn’t reasonably expect.
The terms of this statement may change, so please check it from time to time. If you have any queries about this privacy statement please contact Matthew Rea at Iconic Ironic.
  • This policy includes:
  • How we collect information about you
  • What personal data we collect and how we use it
  • How we keep your data safe and who has access to it
  • How you may see the information that we hold about you
  • Changes to this policy
1. Data supplied by clients
‘Client’ may mean
  • a person or organisation that has ordered one of our products
  • an enquirer, ie a person or organisation that has enquired about one of our products but has not ordered it
Our clients are ‘data controllers’ for the purpose of the General Data Protection Regulation and previous similar legislation. Data are provided to us under the terms of the client’s privacy and data-protection policies; our standard terms and conditions require clients to confirm this.
The data we retain are hard facts in the public domain, eg name, age, address, email address, telephone number. We also retain details of people we need to work with that act as suppliers, contractors or supporters, eg name, position and contact information.
We do not share data with any other person or organisation.
2. Data generated or collected by us
  • Data for our own administration and publicity
  • Details of people we need to work with in past and current client organisations, eg name, position and contact information
  • Suppliers, contractors, sources of advice or supporters of our work (such as design studios, IT firms, professional bodies and our own approved associates) eg name, position and contact information
  • We do not make unsolicited contacts for the purpose of publicity, so we do not hold data speculatively.
3. How we keep your data safe and who has access
  • All data will only be used by the partners of Iconic Ironic consulting and their approved associates.
  • We ensure that there are appropriate technical controls in place to protect your personal details. We have followed the advice of our computer consultant and have installed high-quality commercial protection (anti-virus, anti-spam and anti-malware) for our computers, as well as separate high-quality disks for storage and back-up.
  • Data is stored by Iconic Ironic in their office electronically, in files and/or devices that are password-protected and backed up on a separate device, or on paper, in locked cabinets
  • We do not store personal information on memory sticks.
Data is sent by us to clients only electronically, in files and/or by protocols that are password-protected. We never sell or share personal details to third parties for the purposes of marketing.
4. Retention of data
Data held by us for the purpose of our own administration and publicity are reviewed annually and deleted when we no longer need them. Because clients, or potential clients, frequently return to us, most of these data will be held indefinitely. Where appropriate, data such as personal contact details will be kept up to date before being re-used.
5 . Withdrawal of consent for us to hold personal data, subject access and other rights under the GDPR
Anyone may write to Iconic Ironic to obtain a copy of their personal data or ask that we delete the data we hold on them. This is stated in our Standard Terms & Conditions and separately on our website, as are our contact details.
GDPR also gives you the right to object to the information we hold about you, the right to lodge complaints with supervisory authorities and the right to ‘data portability’.
If you think we have misused your data or haven’t kept it secure, you should contact us in the first instance and tell us. As soon as we can, we will explain why we do (or do not) accept your complaint and what we intend to do as a result. If you’re unhappy with our response or if you need any advice you should contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), telephone 0303 123 1113.
Data portability means, broadly, your right to receive a copy of personal data you have supplied in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. You may also request that a ‘data controller’ (normally, the organisation to which you supplied the data) transmits this data directly to another controller.
6 . Data breach
In the event of a data breach
  • we inform the ICO
  • we remove electronic data from devices that are implicated in the breach and which are connected to the internet, we store those data in an offline device, and we repair the breach
  • we remove hard-copy data to storage with different locks
  • where a breach concerns data supplied by clients, we inform the client (the data controller)
  • where a breach concerns data generated or collected by us, we inform those individuals whose data have been affected
7 . Changes to this policy
We may change this privacy policy from time to time.  If we make any significant changes in the way we treat your personal information we will make this clear on the Iconic Ironic website: